WEB 110 Introduction

Welcome to Food & Family!

My name is Tiffany Lingg. I am a wife, mom - and now student! I live in Wake Forest with my husband Ed, our two daughters Gabrielle and Samantha, our dog Bella, our fish Sapphire and our most recent family addition a turtle Keeko. I was born and raised on the coast of North Carolina but have lived in  this area since I graduated high school - which was longer ago than I care to admit to myself!

Our life can get fairly hectic. At times I feel like we are always on the go - school, work, dance, church, doctor appointments, vet appointments - it is just go, go, go constantly and sometimes it feels like we are each going in different directions.

But coming together, spending time together as a family will always be the most important thing we ever do. Whether it's a weekend get away, game night at home, a Sunday matinee, or even serving our community in some way, we try to set aside time as often as possible as family time.

In between the scheduled family time, however, we have family meal time - usually dinner. At least four to five days out of the week we sit around the dining room table, all together and eat together. It is our time to sit together, discuss our days, plan our weeks - and often laugh and cut up with one another.

What I have come to love over the past few years almost as much as our family dinners together is preparing and cooking those dinners. As a kid and even most of my adulthood, I was an extremely picky and unhealthy eater but once I had a family of my own and mouths to feed other than my own, I started changing the way I ate and the way I cooked. Food has become a big passion of mine. 

From planning the meals to shopping for the ingredients to prepping and cooking - I love the whole process. Often our meals have to be quick and easy to prepare but whenever time will allow, I turn some music on, pour a glass of wine or open a beer and take my time cutting and dicing and trying a new recipe or new technique. And whenever possible, I involve my girls in the process as well, bringing together both my passions - food & family!

My husband & me from a recent trip to Grayson Highlands State Park, VA.

Samantha & Gabrielle, 2014 - making Grandmom's meatballs for Christmas dinner.


  1. Hi Tiffany! You are right we do have a lot in common! I think it is great that you have dinner as a family. I try to do that with my kids also. I love to cook and bake too. Although baked goods are not so kind to me even though I do love them. I am always on Pintrest looking for new things to cook and make. I just shared a website about recipes on another discussion board I have for another class. I like to try new things and my oldest daughter likes to cook as well and she likes to help! Cute picture of your girls making meatballs!


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